All posts tagged: video games

Cause Why Not: Man Attempting to Get Screenshot of Every Soda Machine In Video Game History

In why the hell not news, this is a website by Jess Morrissette, a political science professor and amateur video game developer who is attempting to archive via screenshot every soda machine that’s ever appeared in a video game. Damn right he is! What are you doing with your life? Helping the needy? Oh…well that’s good too I guess. Anyway, check out the site here and if you want to contribute to the cause (tis’ the season for giving afterall) you can tweet your screenshots to @decafjedi. Keep on fighting the good fight! P.S. There are games called Pepsiman and MyCoke?

It holds the key to my heart: The Keytendo

This is the Keytendo. What is the Keytendo you ask? Oh, I’ll tell you what the Keytendo is. The Keytendo is a $30 wall-mountable storage solution for your house and car keys. However, the Keytendo is currently under a kickstarter campaign so it is not 100% that the Keytendo will be available. To be honest, whenever I see great things like the Keytendo on kickstarter, they usually get taken down for copyright infringement but hopefully not this one! In the chance the Keytendo becomes a reality, here are more pictures of it’s awesomeness. Now I promise I won’t say Keytendo again…well, maybe one more…KEYTENDO!

Good Job Nerds: Glitch in Original Legend of Zelda Game Allows Finish in 3 Minutes

This is a glitch I never knew about for a game I’ve never played, so imagine my excitement when I heard about it. However, much like in tender love making, this isn’t about me, it’s all about you, and perhaps you care about it. You don’t? Well, too late, I already started writing the post! Anywho, this is a glitch found in the original Legend of Zelda game for the Famicom (but not Nintendo) that allows a player to beat the game in under three minutes. It is a very well explained video and I’m sure people smarter than me will really appreciate it. I however just watched the first couple minutes, thought to myself “okay, cool” then when back to making Pop Tart sandwiches (that’s where you use Pop Tarts as bread and ice cream as filling!). Enjoy!