All posts tagged: tv

Seinfeld in Parliament

It’s “a parliament about nothing.” Created by Huw Parkinson, here is a cleaver mash-up of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer in an Australian Parliament.

5 Cartoons From The 80s You TOTALLY Forget About

Despite being a child of the 90s, I was grew up on great 80s cartoons thanks to my two old brothers and television reruns. Cartoons of the 80s/early 90s was an era of great storytelling and serious lessons/themes being taught in each episode. Now-a-days…don’t get me started. Let’s see how many of these you forgot about… C.O.P.S. THE RACCOONS HULK HOGAN’S ROCK N’ WRESTLING FRAGGLE ROCK: THE ANIMATED SHOW HEATHCLIFF AND THE CATILLAC CATS

MTV’s The War To Settle The Score

In 1984/85 the popularity of professional wrestling, in particular the WWF, was booming. The WWF was the first promotion to recognize that what they did was entertainment and not 100% sport. Visionary Vince McMahon (WWF’s CEO) knew that he needed to reach a younger demographic and thus was born the Rock n’ Wrestling connection, a partnership between the WWF and MTV. This partnership saw rock stars like Cyndi Lauper and pop culture celebrities like Mr. T get involved in the wrestling action. To kick off the Rock n’ Wrestling connection, MTV aired a one-hour special entitled The War To Settle The Score. This special featured a championship match between Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper – Live from Madison Square Garden. The War To Settle The Score put the WWF into pop culture status and made Hulk Hogan a household name (if he wasn’t already). The special also was the precursor to the WWF’s premiere event known as WrestleMania. Definitely worth a watch to see all of the celebrity appearances including Danny DeVito, Joe Piscopo, …

Dinosaurs had a really depressing ending

Dinosaurs by Jim Henson was one of my favorite 90s TV shows. I recently watched a few episodes as an adult and felt that the show was almost even better as an adult than when I was child. It’s filled with tons of inside humor and historical references that the younger me wouldn’t have picked up on. While I loved the show and it’s characters, I don’t know if I ever watched it from start to finish. I defiantly have never seen the series finale which ended it’s four season run. Episode 407 Changing Nature unfortunately is no where to be found on YouTube. But there are a lot of articles and talk about it’s depressing and shocking ending…keep in mind it was a family friendly program. The episode was so different that it came with a viewer advisory stating that “it might not be appropriate for younger viewers.” “In the show’s final episode, Earl causes the extinction of the Dinosaur species, when at the prodding of Richfield and the WESAYSO Corporation, he poisons all …