All posts tagged: The Shawshank Redemption

Why Would We Post This?: Spoiler Alert! Supercut

Screen Junkies make some pretty good videos over on that YouTube thing, you should check em out! This video is an interesting one, it is a Spoiler Supercut of some of cinema’s greatest twist endings. Why make a supercut like this? Good question. Maybe it is because they are the Screen Junkies and have actually seen all of these movies and assume anyone else who has may appreciate the video. OR maybe they want to see how dumb people on the internet are and despite numerous warnings of spoilers will still watch this video and complain. In my opinion, unless you have seen most of these movies, you wouldn’t really understand most of these spoilers out of context but in case I’m wrong, maybe don’t watch this video if you haven’t seen (or don’t want to spoil) these movies: Citizen Kane, Fight Club, Primal Fear, Signs, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chinatown, The Empire Strikes Back, Psycho (1960), Carrie (1976), Scream, The Sixth Sense, The Departed, The Shawshank Redemption, The Crying Game, Invasion of …

Movies you could watch over and over and over…

You know the question where someone asks you “if you were trapped on a desert island and you could only bring one CD, what would that be?” Well I can never decide on that because My favorite album changes all the time I’m not entirely sure desert islands have CD players readily available…also people don’t really buy CDs anymore. But what if I tweaked that question a little? I asked this to a few friends the past couple weeks and it always seems to spark a fun conversation. The question I have been asking is not what CD but what movie. I also have scrapped that whole desert island thing and simply ask them this: What movie or movies do you think you could realistically watch once a month for the rest of your life? While this question seemed pretty realistic to most people I asked I figured, let’s change it up a little more to make it even more feasible. So here is the question I ask you. If you had to watch the …