All posts tagged: Se7en

Art of the Title: A Brief History of Title Design

This is a fun little video for those who like title design (and who doesn’t?). It’s a presentation video for the SXSW “Excellence in Title Design” competition screening which features brief moments from over 70 movies and tv show’s opening credits (or title design if you will). It is a bit interesting that some titles are not even featured in the video, but the person who created this is obviously way more creative then I am, so I’ll assume I am an idiot that doesn’t get it (much like I do with Harry Potter). A full list of movies and shows can be found just below the video.  Props to for a great job. Enjoy! Full film and television listing: Intolerance Phantom of the Opera King Kong Modern Times My Man Godfrey Make Way For Tomorrow Citizen Kane The Maltese Falcon Gun Crazy The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Lady in the Lake Fallen Angel The Thing Singing in the Rain The Man with the Golden Arm Anatomy of a Murder Psycho North by …

Why Would We Post This?: Spoiler Alert! Supercut

Screen Junkies make some pretty good videos over on that YouTube thing, you should check em out! This video is an interesting one, it is a Spoiler Supercut of some of cinema’s greatest twist endings. Why make a supercut like this? Good question. Maybe it is because they are the Screen Junkies and have actually seen all of these movies and assume anyone else who has may appreciate the video. OR maybe they want to see how dumb people on the internet are and despite numerous warnings of spoilers will still watch this video and complain. In my opinion, unless you have seen most of these movies, you wouldn’t really understand most of these spoilers out of context but in case I’m wrong, maybe don’t watch this video if you haven’t seen (or don’t want to spoil) these movies: Citizen Kane, Fight Club, Primal Fear, Signs, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chinatown, The Empire Strikes Back, Psycho (1960), Carrie (1976), Scream, The Sixth Sense, The Departed, The Shawshank Redemption, The Crying Game, Invasion of …