All posts tagged: school

Stranger Danger

Who remembers having to watch “street smart” videos in school? These type of videos/PSA tried to teach us young children about staying alert and staying safe (also a famous VHS). This is one of the more iconic videos of them all…STRANGER DANGER. This short video is full of alerts and warning signs children need to look out for. We have our favorites on this list, what are yours?

I Dreaded Electives in Public School

Remember ‘Electives’ in public school? They were meant to provide us kids with the ability to partake in physical activities and learn something in the process. I hated them. Being a fat child with no drive to do anything, I dreaded electives. I always tried to pick the least physically demanding ones, like snowshoeing and ice hut building. What did you choose? Get at us!

My Childhood Summed Up in Awesome Television Programs

How bout THIS group of 90’s television programs, huh! My childhood memories of televisionĀ can essentially be summed up with these four awesome shows. Most of them aired in the morning before I went to school and then again right after I was home from school. They also aired on multiple different networks at various times throughout the day, making it virtually impossible to escape viewings. And I was completely fine with that. I bet I have seen almost 100 percent of every episode aired of all of these shows. I still cannot determine which oneĀ I would put on the top of my list, because they are all awesome. Flat out! I loved Zack and Kelly, I loved Joey and Jesse, I loved Carl and Urkel and I loved Will and Carlton. Such an impossible choice. What was/is your favourite amongst these wicked programs? Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t watch at least a couple of them, because you did. Get at us! Here are all four of the title sequences from these shows, …

I was Actually GOOD at Track and Field

When I was in public school, as most of you readers are now fully aware of, I was fat. Out of shape. A loser. So one would likely conclude that I was horrible at track and field. WRONG! I performed very well in my standout 60m dash, 100m dash, high jump and ball throw events. I racked up a dozen first place ribbons and several silver and bronze ones as well. To this day I still can’t believe I was able to achieve what I did. I was FAT. I wonder how I would stack up against my rivals nowadays? How did you perform at track and field? What were your favourite events? Get at us!