All posts tagged: computers

A ‘How To Cybersex’ VHS from 1997

Her is a quick snippet of a ‘How To Cybersex’ instructional video. It is a pretty fun and a quick watch clocking in at about a minute and a half. Prepare to be blown away with this girl’s use of some pretty steamy and sexy talk. Not to mention her unbelievably fast typing skills. Enjoy the video and remember, when it comes to cybersex, God made Adam and Eve not floppy disks and CD ROMs!


I can’t believe it has taken us this long to get to ICQ! Long before, ichat or skype or even text messaging, there was ICQ. As a kid it was amazing! You could just jump on your dial-up internet and start chatting with friends online! ICQ was probably the dawn of abbreviations such as BRB, TTL, LOL and so on (so it wasn’t all good). If you ask anyone what ICQ stands for they probably couldn’t tell you. The truth is it doesn’t stand for anything, the idea is by saying the letters ‘I’ ‘C’ ‘Q’ quickly it sounds like you are saying “I Seek You”. Kinda clever I guess. With ICQ being such a big part of our lives (for a very short time), let’s go back and revisit some of the awesome things (or just things in general) about it shall we?   Knowing You ICQ Number By Heart We all have a friend who can still tell you their ICQ number.   The anticipation of logging on! Next stop, friends!..I hope…   …