All posts tagged: Board Games

Simplicity and Intensity Leads to Frustration

Such a simple premise for a game. So much damn frustration. I am an intense gamer – card and board games primarily – and this game allowed for said intensity. The simple fact that you needed a perfect roll to put your pieces to rest could get very aggravating, especially because of the stupid bubble dice. Gahhh. That thing would seemingly NEVER co-operate when I needed it the most. Such a simple game, but SO damn much frustration.

13 Dead End Drive

I never wanted a board game as bad as I wanted this one when I was a kid. In fact, I don’t think I ever wanted another board game after this one. Probably because this game was so awesome! I got it one year for Christmas and it delivered on all the hype! You get to kill off your opponents by dropping chandeliers on their heads, pushing them off ladders and burning them alive in the fireplace. It was just like clue, only unlike clue you didn’t have to imagine the murder, you saw it right before your eyes! Take that imagination! It really was a fun board game and I can’t wait to fight for my grandparent’s inheritance in a similar fashion.