All posts tagged: Alice in Wonderland

May I Sketch You?: The Real Photos Behind Disney Movies

If you are like me, you are a raging alcoholic and should seek help immediately. Also, you didn’t know that some of Disney’s most famous cartoons were actually developed by using scenes with real actors. I know what you are thinking, “Ben, have you been drinking?” and the answer is: Of course I have! I just told you I’m an alcoholic! But apperently this was a real thing. It’s called Rotoscoping and it’s when animators trace the frames of live action film footage to make realistic animations. I choose to interpret that as animators are all hacks who have to trace things. But seriously it’s pretty cool, here are some examples of how they did it. There is no photo evidence that Disney dressed a fox and a bear up as Robin Hood and Little John, but how else would the animators know how to draw that? Enjoy!

Alice In Wonderland Tea Party Scene Edited In The Styles Of Famous Artists

Someone WAY more talented then me (and most likely the greatest love maker of all time) has reanimated the tea party & riddle scene from Alice in Wonderland (1951) in the styles of 17 different artists. Who is this talented person? Why it’s Gene Kogan (@genekogan), you know him? Ya neither do I, but he makes a pretty solid video. For those of you wondering the artists in order of…appearance? are: Pablo Picasso Georgia O’Keeffe S.H. Raza Hokusai Frida Kahlo Vincent van Gogh Tarsila Saloua Raouda Choucair Lee Krasner Sol Lewitt Wu Guanzhong Elaine de Kooning Ibrahim el-Salahi Minnie Pwerle Jean-Michel Basquiat Edvard Munch Natalia Goncharova Enjoy!

Childhood Ruined: Sad Reality of Disney Characters in Real Life

This is a series of pictures by animator Jeff Hong in which we see some of our favourite Disney characters Unhappily Ever After through the trials and tribulations of living in our reality. While some of these pictures are somewhat disturbing, the silver lining is that at least it’s a beautiful day outside [looks outside window] what?! Rain! Everything is terrible! Enjoy the pictures!