All posts filed under: Sports

Guy Predicted Cubs Winning 2016 World Series In High School Yearbook Quote 23 Years Ago

Suck on that Back to the Future! That’s right, back in 1993 a fine young gentleman by the name of Michael Lee in his senior year at Mission Viejo High School (which I can only guess is a school for wizards) accurately predicted the Chicago Cubs winning the 2016 World Series. He claims that the prediction came to him in a dream. So if you run into this guy and he tells you when you are gonna die, start drinking chocolate sauce and punching police horses because your days are numbered! I assume we all want to punch a police horse before we die. Check below to see a needless video which really just takes a minute and a half to point out all the information you can see by looking at the picture above. Enjoy!

Um…What?: Sesame Street Cast Plays 1970’s Blackhawks

Guys, I’m not gonna lie. I have no idea what I just watched…I mean….what? Seriously what the hell is this? I’ll tell you what this is, it’s something my childhood self would have killed to see live. But now? Well, now it is something that will haunt my dreams. All joking aside, with Big Bird’s size and skating ability I am shocked he didn’t get at least some kind of entry level deal with Chicago’s minor league affiliate. Enjoy this insane video!

Rumor: Nike’s new Air Jordan Space Jam 11’s released for films 20th anniversary

Rumors, they are a swirling that Nike will be releasing Air Jordan 11 Space Jam shoes to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the movie. Need some proof, well here is a picture that supposedly does that:   So there ya go. This is gonna happen. I personally don’t see the need for a new Air Jordan shoe. I mean, Space Jam hasn’t updated their website in 20 years, so why update the shoe? They nailed both on the first try, so why mess with perfection:

Cause Why Not: NBA Logos as Retro Cartoons

With the NBA All-Star Game this past weekend, we thought it would be cool to feature some awesome NBA logo/Retro Cartoon mashups by VanilaBCN Studio. You might ask what do NBA logos and cartoons such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Care Bears, Flintstones, He-Man and Ghostbusters have to do with one another? And to that I say, Enjoy the pictures!