All posts filed under: History

You think I’d have more friends: A Video of Human Population Through Time

Whitney Houston might have been a little off with that whole believing children are the future thing… I know we usually deal with pop-culture and cross-over themes but hey, it can’t hurt to be educational every once and a while. This is a pretty cool video by The American Museum of Natural History showing the Earth’s growth in human population over time. Let’s just say we’ve had a more productive past couple centuries when it comes to baby making: It took 200,000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. After watching this I have realized that we already have geeks and nerds to thank for all the technological advances we’ve made and now we gotta thank them for saving the overpopulation issue. Ya know, cause they aren’t getting laid thus no kids. The future is saved! Enjoy.

Guy Predicted Cubs Winning 2016 World Series In High School Yearbook Quote 23 Years Ago

Suck on that Back to the Future! That’s right, back in 1993 a fine young gentleman by the name of Michael Lee in his senior year at Mission Viejo High School (which I can only guess is a school for wizards) accurately predicted the Chicago Cubs winning the 2016 World Series. He claims that the prediction came to him in a dream. So if you run into this guy and he tells you when you are gonna die, start drinking chocolate sauce and punching police horses because your days are numbered! I assume we all want to punch a police horse before we die. Check below to see a needless video which really just takes a minute and a half to point out all the information you can see by looking at the picture above. Enjoy!

Childhood Ruined: The Flintstones for Winston Cigarettes

Wow did the world ever have a different mentality back in the 60s. I mean, this isn’t that crazy, I’m pretty sure cartoons were smoking on TV well into the 90s, they just weren’t overtly advertising the brand. Still, very strange to see this in a childhood cartoon for sure. What I don’t understand is that in the caveman days they had cigarettes yet pants weren’t invented yet? This whole thing is stressing me out, I need a smoke to calm my nerves. Hey! Advertising really works!

May I Sketch You?: The Real Photos Behind Disney Movies

If you are like me, you are a raging alcoholic and should seek help immediately. Also, you didn’t know that some of Disney’s most famous cartoons were actually developed by using scenes with real actors. I know what you are thinking, “Ben, have you been drinking?” and the answer is: Of course I have! I just told you I’m an alcoholic! But apperently this was a real thing. It’s called Rotoscoping and it’s when animators trace the frames of live action film footage to make realistic animations. I choose to interpret that as animators are all hacks who have to trace things. But seriously it’s pretty cool, here are some examples of how they did it. There is no photo evidence that Disney dressed a fox and a bear up as Robin Hood and Little John, but how else would the animators know how to draw that? Enjoy!

Throwback Thursdays! “Ahead by a Century” by The Tragically Hip

This song seems fitting as The Tragically Hip just played their final show this past weekend. The band did one last tour this summer after their lead singer Gord Downie was diagnosed with brain cancer. The final concert was held in Kingston and was broadcast and streamed live by CBC in Canada to a reported audience of over 11 million (not bad for a country with a population of 35 million and while the Olympics were going on). The final concert itself raised over $200,000 for cancer research. I will admit, there are a few songs by The Hip that I have really enjoyed but to say I am a big fan would be, well, a lie. HOWEVER, that does not apply when speaking about the song ‘Ahead by a Century’. This is not only the best Tragically Hip song (in my opinion), it is one of the best songs ever (also in my opinion). Apparently, I’m not alone in this thinking as The Tragically Hip decided to close their concert with it making this …