All posts filed under: Commercials

Childhood Ruined: The Flintstones for Winston Cigarettes

Wow did the world ever have a different mentality back in the 60s. I mean, this isn’t that crazy, I’m pretty sure cartoons were smoking on TV well into the 90s, they just weren’t overtly advertising the brand. Still, very strange to see this in a childhood cartoon for sure. What I don’t understand is that in the caveman days they had cigarettes yet pants weren’t invented yet? This whole thing is stressing me out, I need a smoke to calm my nerves. Hey! Advertising really works!

Which Fictional Bear May Actually Kill You

Ever wonder what fictional Bear from your childhood would actually kill you should you ever meet? Well you should wonder! Cause if shit goes down I want to know how to take Smokey out! Luckily this article from breaks down the Top 5 fictional bears and what to do should they smell the fear on you…cause Bears can smell fear…and honey, oh man can they ever smell honey. And remember, when a sign says “Do Not Feed The Bears”…

Hey! I’m on the radio: 70s Mr. Microphone Commercial

“Hey good looking, we’ll be back to pick you up later” Yes, that is a line (delivered by some kind of date rapist no doubt) in this amazingly 70s commercial for Mr. Microphone. As a person who was nowhere alive in the 70s, I had no idea about this commercial. However, according to people I’ve talked to who were children of the 70s, this might be one of the biggest Nostalgia inducing commercials of the decade. Everyone knows this commercial and wanted a Mr. Microphone. And why not? It looked awesome! You just walk around and interrupt people’s radio broadcasts and pull some sweet pranks! What’s that? It only worked on a single random AM station that no one ever had their radio tuned to? Okay, well I guess that creep in the convertible had the right idea, sexually harass people from a distance! Now please enjoy one of the greatest commercials of all time.   *I know The Simpsons parodied this, I just couldn’t find the clip.

I have trouble staying in the lines: 90’s Coloring Book for Adults

Hey guys, my birthday is coming up and you know what I want? World Peace. Just kidding! That will never happen. What I really want is this Color The 90s adult coloring book by Outrageous Katie. It says ‘Adult’, so don’t let anyone give you any shit about being in your 20s, 30s or 40s and coloring in a coloring book (50 years olds can suck it, your were in your 20s when this stuff was relevant). For those interested in this little piece of Nostalgic awesomeness, you can buy it on Amazon! That place has everything! Except my fathers love….Anywho! Check out the link here as well as a few pictures below to get a taste of what the book offers and to plan out your coloring adventure! I myself am going to color Tim Allen blue because I’ve never seen a blue Tim Allen before and quite frankly, I want to see one.

Wayne Gretzky for Pro Stars Cereal

Well yesterday was international cereal day (apparently that’s a thing now) so I figured why not take a look back on a commercial for the greatest cereal ever made: Pro Stars Cereal. How do I know it was the greatest cereal ever? Well, Wayne Gretzky was on the box and he is The Great One, so ipso facto Greatest. Cereal. Ever. Wayne claimed it was great for a athlete’s diet and even breaks down the ounces of cereal to milk ratio which was odd. I just poor my cereal into a giant salad bowl and eat until I hate myself, ya know, like everyone does. The fact that they really felt the need to point out several times that there is no added sugar makes me think there was probably a lot of added sugar. But as the old saying goes “sugar make thing gooder now”. So happy belated cereal day everyone! Enjoy.