Month: October 2016

Childhood Ruined: Characters Drawn as Terrifying Monsters

Happy Halloween everyone! Just thought I’d swing by an ruin all your childhood favs with some terrifying adaptations by Swedish illustrator and tattoo artist Dennis Carlsso. Enjoy!  

It holds the key to my heart: The Keytendo

This is the Keytendo. What is the Keytendo you ask? Oh, I’ll tell you what the Keytendo is. The Keytendo is a $30 wall-mountable storage solution for your house and car keys. However, the Keytendo is currently under a kickstarter campaign so it is not 100% that the Keytendo will be available. To be honest, whenever I see great things like the Keytendo on kickstarter, they usually get taken down for copyright infringement but hopefully not this one! In the chance the Keytendo becomes a reality, here are more pictures of it’s awesomeness. Now I promise I won’t say Keytendo again…well, maybe one more…KEYTENDO!

Live-Action Remake Of The Original He-Man Cartoon Intro

Well this is pretty damn amazing. This is a Homemade Movie and side by side comparison of the 80s He-Man cartoon by CineFix and they nailed it. The first video is the remake and the second is the side by side comparison. Please enjoy watching and trying to convince your friends you could put these costumes together for that Halloween party in less than 48 hours. Yeah, good luck with that Brad!

But Can We All Live In It?: Beatles’ Yellow Submarine LEGO Set

In more proof that LEGO is for adults and not children, they have announced the release of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine set this November. The set will consist of over 550 pieces, costs $60 and includes John, Paul, George and Ringo minifigs. So for those still debating who the greatest Beatle is, I ask you this: How many songs sung by John, Paul or George got LEGO sets made of them? I thought so. Check out more pictures and a video below. Enjoy!

Copyright Infringement?: Blink 182 Recreates Blink 182 Video

What do you do when you make one of the most iconic music videos of all time but nearly 20 years later no one has honored that video by making a parody? Well, if you are Blink 182, you do it your goddamn self! That’s right, gone are the days of poking fun at boy bands, now it’s time to take on the ultimate challenge…themselves. Now some people will say that Blink is simply re-hashing old Nostalgic feeling to put themselves in the conversation again even though their best music may be behind them. To that I simply say…you are kinda right but shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the fun stuff! Enjoy the video.   and for those who want to compare, here is a comparison video.