Month: February 2016

Rumor: Nike’s new Air Jordan Space Jam 11’s released for films 20th anniversary

Rumors, they are a swirling that Nike will be releasing Air Jordan 11 Space Jam shoes to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the movie. Need some proof, well here is a picture that supposedly does that:   So there ya go. This is gonna happen. I personally don’t see the need for a new Air Jordan shoe. I mean, Space Jam hasn’t updated their website in 20 years, so why update the shoe? They nailed both on the first try, so why mess with perfection:

Barney Raps Junior M.A.F.I.A. Featuring The Notorious B.I.G.’s ‘Get Money’

It’s been a while since we have seen one of these videos so it brings me great joy to post this today. If you aren’t familiar with these kinds of videos check out my love for them in past posts (the Earl Sinclair one is still my favorite). This video here features everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur Barney, rapping ‘Get Money’ by Junior M.A.F.I.A. and The Notorious B.I.G. Like the rest of these videos, this one is very well put together and features some of the choreographed dance moves I can only dream Biggie Smalls did live in concert. Enjoy!

Throwback Thursdays! “American Dream” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

This week’s Throwback Thursday is a deep pull. This is one of those songs I heard all the time as a youngster and really enjoyed. After growing up and hearing it again I get a rush of Nostalgia but I must ask myself: Is this song even good? Honestly, I can’t tell. I think it holds up but if you told me this is a terrible song and I only like it because of the Nostalgic feeling I get when I hear it, I don’t think I could argue. So you tell me. Is this song good? Is it bad? Have you even heard it before now? Do you know how to change a flat tire? Should I kick the guy off my couch who has been living here rent free for 4 months? What if he has a short temper and a gun? These are the questions I hope to answer in this week’s Throwback Thursday.

Simpsons Search Engine Matches Any Quote with the Right Screenshot

As the above meme shows, this is amazing. The geniuses over at Frinkiac (more specifically Paul Kehrer, Sean Schulte and Allie Young) have developed an amazing search engine containing over 3 million Simpsons quotes over 20 seasons. It is very simple, just type in your quote and it will match it with the exact screen shot. Then click on the screen shot and make it into a meme that you can share with all your friends! Or masturbate to it, it’s your life, no judgements here. Check out this awesome site here: Enjoy!