Month: September 2015

Wanna Have My Secret?: Very Sexual 80s Hair Replacement Commercial

He’s got a secret. I wonder what it is? He’s definitely hiding something under that porno-stache. Speaking of porno, this commercial starts off like a bad 1980’s VHS sex flick. Why is she moaning? Is her head turned away because she doesn’t want to be on camera? More likely she doesn’t want to be seen with this loser once you find out his secret.

Alice In Wonderland Tea Party Scene Edited In The Styles Of Famous Artists

Someone WAY more talented then me (and most likely the greatest love maker of all time) has reanimated the tea party & riddle scene from Alice in Wonderland (1951) in the styles of 17 different artists. Who is this talented person? Why it’s Gene Kogan (@genekogan), you know him? Ya neither do I, but he makes a pretty solid video. For those of you wondering the artists in order of…appearance? are: Pablo Picasso Georgia O’Keeffe S.H. Raza Hokusai Frida Kahlo Vincent van Gogh Tarsila Saloua Raouda Choucair Lee Krasner Sol Lewitt Wu Guanzhong Elaine de Kooning Ibrahim el-Salahi Minnie Pwerle Jean-Michel Basquiat Edvard Munch Natalia Goncharova Enjoy!

Beautiful: Hi-Res, Text-Free, Modern and Classic Movie Posters

reddit user Join_You_In_The_Sun has uploaded 80 different text-free and largely high resolution versions of some of the more iconic and memorable posters of the last few decades. I never realized how beautiful these posters are when there is no text on them. Feel free to add your own text if it makes you feel more comfortable. Enjoy the posters! *More posters can be seen here. Alien   Apocalypse Now   Back to the Future Part II   Candyman   The Exorcist   Gremlins   Labyrinth   Masters of the Universe   The Neverending Story   Star Wars – Episode VI: Return of the Jedi   Willow  

Throwback Thursdays! “Hey Ya!” by Outkast

It is crazy to think that “Hey Ya!” off the juggernaut album  Speakerboxxx/The Love Below by Outkast came out 12 years ago this week! This song has a particular Nostalgic value to me as it was the first song I illegally downloaded before the song had even been released. That’s right FBI, do your worst! It was undoubtedly the biggest song of 2003 and…sorry, someone is knocking at my door. “who is it?” “FBI..I mean Flowers By Ian…yeah, that’s it. Definitely not the FBI here to arrest you for that illegal download back in 2003” “Oh then, come on in!” While I greet my new guests, please enjoy “Hey Ya!” by OutKast. Wait…I didn’t order any flowers…which means someone probably did for me! So nice to be loved and not in jail for illegally downloading music!