Month: February 2015

Something is different: Mary Poppins Sings Death Metal Version Of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

I had to watch this 3 times to realize they were singing this song differently. Kidding! This is a video of Mary Poppins singing ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ re-edited with the smooth and dulcet tones of Death Metal. I would recommend watching this video in its entirety. I thought it was okay at first but by the second time Mary Poppins comes in I found it was pretty funny. Enjoy.

80s style Batmobile & DeLorean iPhone cases

This is the Bandai Batmobile and DeLorean iPhone 6 Crazy Cases. They retail for about $50 and look pretty awesome. Both case’s headlights light up when you are receiving a call which is pretty rad. Also, the Batmobile case projects the Bat-Signal! No word yet on if the DeLorean case can be used to go back in time to prevent you from sending that drunk text last night. Sorry again about that 4am text last night Garry. In my defense, your wife is really hot and I thought I was texting her. All good? Cool. Check out below for more pictures of both phone cases.  

Before They Were Famous: Mark Ruffalo in 80s Clearasil Commercial

Before Mark Ruffalo was famous (for being that famous actor whose name people always forget) He was but a simple commercial actor. This is a commercial he did back in the 80s which is either for a zit medication pad or an attempt the get into the Guinness Book of World Records for saying “Zap” the most times in 30 seconds. Either way, enjoy.