Month: June 2013

Back When Men Would Wrestle Bears

Back in simpler times, when viral videos weren’t available, folks would look to the carnivals, cable TV and newspapers for their daily dose of shock and awe. And for many years, people would travel far and pay hard earned cash to see a man wrestle a bear. Yes, Victor the Bear had many classic bouts as you see here with The Destroyer. But he has also Main Evented against Stu Hart and even Andre The Giant. For a while, Victor was a household name and one of the biggest draws in sports. If Victor were alive today, I wonder how he would fair against Daniel Bryan?

Bring It Back; Records I Remember: Hootie and the Blowfish

. All music fans have those specific CD’s or songs that immediately bring them back to a specific time in their life. It might be a happy time, a sad time, a fun time or a period of time. For whatever reason, this music speaks to us. It reminds us of our past. For me, one of these bands is Hootie and the Blowfish. I liken Hootie to a time when I was very young and carefree. At an age when nothing mattered at all. I had no responsibilities and no obligations. Every summer I travelled with my fake dad, Paul, to his cottage in the Bruce Peninsula. We usually spent 10-14 days there swimming, eating, walking and exploring. We also did tons of driving: up to Tobermory to see the Chi-Chi-Mon ferry and eat great ice cream and fudge, down to Hepworth to golf and over to Lion’s Head to see all the boats. It was during these driving trips that Hootie and the Blowfish would certainly be in rotation in Paul’s tape deck. …

Kill Some Time Running Bases

. One of the fondest memories I have of my teenage years was playing the baseball related game Running Bases with my two friends who lived in the same complex. The game involved two people who would throw the ball back and forth to each other and one runner who had to run from one base to another before he could be tagged by the receiving catcher. Each player would take turns running the bases and the person who reached base the most number of times without being tagged, won. it was a simple sports related game that provided entertainment, physical activity and a chance to waste time before important matters. Now I realize the photo has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote about, but I don’t care. I liked it.